"If you concentrate on finding whatever is good in every situation, you will discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude, a feeling that nurtures the soul."

Monday, March 29, 2010

i think i'm addicted...

Happy Monday!

So, I've been reading a lot of cooking/baking blogs and I love them! I think I am honestly addicted at reading and trying out new recipes. This weekend, I will be making a new banana cream pie recipe that I found on Real Mom Kitchen... I think I'm going to start making recipes and reviewing them on here. I just can't wait to get my hands on some yumminess!

I am also going to make a carrot cake recipe that my mom always makes, but I saw a creative way to make them "kid friendly" on the Betty Crocker website. I'm going to make them Easter Chicks cupcakes. I'll post a picture and let you'll know how they turned out. I have found some awesome links to some great blogs, and once I master this blog thing, I will be sure to give the ladies credit and add the links to some of my favorite sites!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

winter update

Ok, so it seems like I have a little problem with updating my blog on a consistent basis. I try and try but no such luck. I like to read blogs rather than update my own. So I was looking at my last entry and I'm happy to report that I have won the past two weigh ins for my BL competetion. I don't know how I'm going to do in December since there is food EVERY WHERE!! Geeze, how am I supossed to do good when the food is screaming at me! lol :) Hopefully I'll be able to lose 5 pounds this month... we'll see.

Next week we leave for Mexico for the Christmas holidays and to celebrate Sonia's wedding! It's going to be fun! I'll have to update and post pictures when I come back.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

It's been a while...

Ok, so its been a long while since I last blogged. I've been on here to read the blog that I follow, but I just haven't had the energy to write. Today, I think I have the energy. So today is my 32nd birthday... wow! Thirty two years of life. This morning I was woken up by my awesome boyfriend calling at 4:30 a.m. cause in DC its 5:30 a.m. and he's getting ready to go to work. After talking to him for almost 45 minutes, I felt so good and happy that I have someone so special in my life. Then I went back to sleep and I woke up and felt like this was just any old day... After I battled traffic and got to work, I was surprised by some great gifts from some of the members in my work family. Lunch was good, and the day went on. Then just now I read up on the blog that I usually follow and I realized that today is a great day. I need to realize that everyday I have is a GREAT day. I think sometimes we fall into the everyday routine of life and we don't take time to appreciate life and the chance that we've been given to be here. So to the person that every once in a while opens up my eyes to appreciate life, I say "thanks." I know this girl through her blog, but every week I look forward to reading about her adventures and how she handles them. It helps me bring my life into perspective.

So last month I joined the "office biggest loser" and we started on our journey. I did this because it would help me to keep working out while C was off to DC until October! I needed something to help keep me motivated. Last night was our first weigh in and man was I upset when I didn't win. I lost by .6% which is a little more than half a pound... If only I had run a couple of more miles. All I can say to my work losers--You better be ready for next month! I'm going to win. These guys and girls that I'm up against think I'm kidding, but its the only child syndrome in me that hates losing!

Until next time folks!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

wedding fun

So, this weekend was my cousins wedding in Saltillo, Mexico. We had so much fun! Nothing like a bunch of Mexicans getting together to celebrate! The only thing that sucked is the fact that my cousin Tina and I had to hear "so, when are you getting married?" Ahhhh hello, can't we just enjoy the wedding we're at right now! Geeze! All in all it was a great wedding. I danced, drank and had tons of fun! The wedding was at the Desert Museum in Saltillo. Awesome view of the whole city! Food....ahhhh that was interesting. A little too foo-foo for my taste buds. Drinks-great! Our waiter all night was the best waiter I've had at a wedding in a long time! He made sure my drink was full all evening! Lovely thing at the end of the night was me looking for my dad so that I could tip the waiter. Yea, I so didn't take any money as my purse was teeny weenie and my camera and lipstick were all that fit in it.

Then the wedding fun simply continued the next morning at my cousins house, where her parents had breakfast for all the hungover crazy Mexicans! I wasn't hungover. I can handle my liquor pretty well! Then it was time to eat, and eat and eat some more! Yummy! I ate like a pig this weekend. I'm sure I'll be paying for it at the gym tonight! The picture above is just some of us that made it to breakfast... the rest of the clan was at the hotel recovering in bed or eating breakfast inside... :)

So, it Halloween week! For the first time in a long time, I'm not that excited about this Halloween night. I'm going to a party at my friends house, but other than that...not much going on this weekend. But after Friday it means its officially the Holiday Season! WOOO WOOO Nothing like the holidays! I love them!!! Who cares if we're in a recession...I'm still enjoying the season!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

some people

Have you ever met someone who you thought was a nice person and then the more you got to know them the more you realized that they were the most selfish person that you have ever met. Geeze, why are people like that? I seem to have run into a couple of people like that here lately. Everything is always about them, and how the end result is going to benefit them. Sometimes the comments that come out of their mouths are even "what the heck" kind of comments.

Oh well, I won't let those type of people take up all my blog today...So it's Tuesday...three more days and I'm off to Mexico to my cousin's wedding. Its been a while since the whole gang has gotten together so I'm sure its going to be fun! I can't wait. I'm not looking forward to driving, but oh well... My parentals have gotten used to me driving all the time. I guess its my fault for spoiling them, or is it that the anxiety that I feel when anyone else gets behind the wheel makes me crazy!

The weather is so nice here in San Antonio, that its just a shame to spend 8+ hours cooped up in an office all day. I wish I could work outside...then again I probably wouldn't get much done because I'd be day dreaming of laying in a hammock and drink some yummy drink...

Ok, well this post was all over the place today. Until we meet again.


Monday, October 20, 2008

and we're off...

I am officially done with most of my Christmas shopping and we're not even in November yet! Yippie for me! I'm so excited to be done, that I want to start wrapping all my gifts already. I love the holidays, and I want to enjoy them without having to deal with the crazy shoppers that turn into grumpy, evil shoppers during one of the best seasons of the year. This year I'm making some of my girlfriends go with me when I volunteer to wrap gifts and deliver them to underprivileged families in San Antonio. They don't know that they're doing this yet...but once we do it--we'll have lots of fun and then we can go out and have holiday drinks afterwards. Geeze, Halloween hasn't even passed and I'm already thinking about Christmas! I can't wait. Woo Woo!

OK, so today starts the official training session for the half marathon. I have gotten some very interesting comments regarding my new endeavour. Some of my friends are very supportive and happy for me, some of them have said that they want to train with me, and of course we all have the negative nelly friends... yeah, you know the ones I'm talking about. The ones that I don't want to claim as friends who said "ah you're not going to do that... its too far to run, what are you thinking!" When I finish my race... I'm going to want them to be the first I see! I'm so excited. I don't think many know just how excited I am to do this, but I think when its all said and done it will be a wonderful feeling.

So, my uncle is coming back into town today for a doctor follow up tomorrow. Thank goodness that my dad has volunteered to do the brother in law duties that so correspond to him on this one. I told him and my mom this weekend about how awkward it was having to explain some of the medical procedures to my uncle last week, and my mom just thought it was the funniest thing...yeah I so didn't see the humor in it. :)

Alright well I'm off. I will blog again tomorrow.

Friday, October 17, 2008


Ahhh I so have not had any time to follow up with my new blogging. I'm not being very good at this. I seem to find myself with no time. This week has been super crazy. Work deadlines, hospital visits, and best friend duties have totally occupied my whole week. Finally last night I was able to enjoy a nice drink on the patio while having dinner with someone that I think will be very special in my life in time to come. I also realized yesterday that its time to get off my booty and start doing something positive and healthy in my life. So, while at dinner last night Ceaser and I decided that we would start training for our first half marathon. I have a WHOLE year to train as its not taking place until next November. Hopefully I will be able to get this booty in gear and do this. Ceasar is great support and I think we'll be able to train and do this.

Talk about having an awkward moment this week... So my aunt and uncle come in from Mexico to for a doctor's appointment regarding an issue my uncle has been having. So, my uncle asked if I would go with them to translate any medical terms that he might be unsure of, I of course said yes. Didn't know that the appointment was for some issues regarding the possibility of having testicular cancer. Ahhhh yeah, its a little awkward having to discuss testicles with your uncle, HIS testicles. Yuk. But, oh well. At this age, it shouldn't be weird, but it was still was. As I was dropping them off at my parents house I was sure to thank my dad for not volunteering to be the interpreter and sending me without knowing that I would have to talk to my uncle about the possibility of having a loss of sex drive. Yeah, not the thing I want to be discussing with my 66 year old uncle. YUK! My dad of course thought that it was nice of me to do this and chuckled!

Ok, well I must get back to graphic duties, as it seems that the deadlines just keep coming. I hope to be better with the blogging and promise to try and update this on a daily or at least b-weekly basis.
